SQLite is a software library that provides a self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional SQL database engine. It is a popular choice for embedded database ...
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Nginx vs YARP
In the realm of web hosting and microservices architectures, the selection of a suitable reverse proxy server is crucial for ensuring optimal performance, scalability, ...
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Continuous integration vs delivery vs deployment
CI and CD are commonly used acronyms in modern development practices and DevOps. CI, short for continuous integration, is a core DevOps principle that developers ...
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Outbox Pattern For Reliable Microservices Messaging
The Outbox pattern is a design approach used in microservices architecture to ensure reliable messaging between microservices. In a microservices-based system, ...
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Types of software testing
Software testing is an essential part of the software development process. There are various types of software testing, each serving a specific purpose. Here are some ...
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.NET - Entity Framework vs Dapper
Dapper and Entity Framework (EF) are both popular data access technologies in the .NET ecosystem, but they have some differences in their approach and functionality ...
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.NET - Clean Achitecture
The Clean Architecture is a software design pattern and architectural approach introduced by Robert C. Martin in his book "Clean Architecture: A Craftsman's Guide to Software Structure and Design". It aims to ...
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C# - SOLID principles
SOLID is an acronym in object-oriented design, with each letter representing a design principle. Its aim is to reduce dependencies, so one area can be changed, without affecting others. In this blog, we will ...
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C# 11 - Features
.NET 7 was released recently alongside with C# 11. In this article, we will take a look at some of the important features of C# 11.
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C# - Record structs
After introducing records in C# 9, Microsoft brought in C# 10 record structs which carry a lot of advantages such as immutability and equality comparison.
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C# - Records
C# 9 introduces a new keyword - record. It's a reference type, but with value-based comparison. It makes an object immutable and behave like a value type. The whole object can be immutable if the init ...
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.NET 7 - gRPC JSON tanscoding
gRPC, like REST, is another to communicate between apps. It uses the HTTP/2 protocol to exchange binary messages, which are serialized/deserialized using Protocol Buffers. Basically, protocol buffers is ...
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.NET 6 - Split a List into smaller lists of N size
In below video, I explained how we can easily split a list of items into smaller lists of N items in .NET 6.
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.NET 6 - DateOnly & TimeOnly
Two new types have been introduced as part of the core library in .NET 6: DateOnly and TimeOnly. These types, which are structs (value types), allow developers to represent the part of either the date or ...
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Blazor - Create mutliple applications using same code
In below video, I explained how it is possible to target desktop, web and mobile applications using the same blazor code.
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Visual Studio - IEnumerable Debugger Visualizer
While debugging .NET code, inspecting a large and complex collections can be difficult. Hence, Microsoft added since Visual Studio 17.2 Preview 2 a new Visualizer, which will help you view IEnumerable objects...
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Support for .NET Core 3.1 will end on 13th December 2022
On December 13, 2022, .NET Core 3.1 will reach end of support. From then, Microsoft will no longer provide updates or technical support for .NET Core 3.1...
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Visual Studio - Double Your Productivity
In this article, I am going to share with you a lot of tricks and shortcut keys in Visual Studio so you can write code faster. I'll show you how to ...
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Arm64 is now supported on Visual Studio
Microsoft annouced one month ago that the release of 'Visual Studio 2022 17.3 Preview 2' is the first version of Visual Studio that natively supports...
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How to host a static website in Azure Blob Storage
BLOB (Binary Large Objects) is a Microsoft Azure service that stores files. It is used to store and retrieve BLOBs, commonly known as files. It simplifies the process of uploading, sharing, and managing online files along...
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